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Kubica recovering from Corrective Elbow Surgery

Post surgery last month, Robert Kubica is recovering of his right elbow. This one was a corrective surgery and is aimed at allowing the form...

Post surgery

last month, Robert Kubica is recovering of his right elbow. This one was a corrective surgery and is aimed at allowing the former Grand Prix

winner to use his left hand to freely move the steering wheel. He has been in

rehabilitation since the high speed crash during the Ronde di Andora rally in

February 2011, where he was lucky enough to survive, though with a wide range of serious injuries.

His unfortunate crash's, after-math video.

A video reconstruction of the crash!

It was Dr.

Ruggero Testoni, Head of Hand Surgery at the Pederzoli Hospital near

Verona, who was in charge of carrying out the operation on the 27-year-old. He said "Thanks to this, the driver will be able to completely turn steering

wheels,". "Earlier, he couldn't turn his hand when he was

holding a steering wheel. He had to release it while turning left."

During five years of F1 with the then named BMW Sauber and Lotus Renault

teams, Kubica had notched up one pole position, one victory and 11 podium finishes. It is still unclear as to whether the Kraków-born

driver will be able to make a racing return, post recovery.

The injuries are a night mare for any sports person, aren't they.

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